Our Services

We understand the challenges of aging—and we’re here to help.

Changes in an elderly family member’s physical or mental health, finances or living expenses can derail even the best laid plans, and the impact of these unexpected changes can weigh heavily all those involved. Adult sons and daughters find themselves in the role of caregiver trying to manage multiple medical appointments, understand complicated benefits systems and arrange support services, all the while hoping that the latest crisis will be the last one and things will soon go back to normal. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Compassionate support can make all the difference.

Aging means adapting to a new normal—a new phase of life in which professional support and expert guidance can mean the difference between feeling overwhelmed and feeling ready for whatever may come next. And that’s where we come in.

We’ll help you navigate the changing conditions that come with aging so you or your loved ones have the support needed to live better, longer.

Our specialists are here to meet all of your needs.

Our wide range of services are designed to help older adults maintain independence, dignity and self-esteem by addressing present needs and planning for the future:

  • Elder Care Managers partner with you and your family to develop a personalized care plan specific to your goals, resources and needs
  • Home Care specialists provide personal care, homemaking and other activities so older adults can live safely at home
  • Patient Navigators are trained medical escorts that assist older adults with their medical appointments
  • Friendly Visitors are volunteers that offer friendship and companionship to isolated older adults

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you manage the challenges of growing older.