Patient Navigator

Patient Navigators help reduce the stress of medical appointments.

Medical appointments can be anxiety-inducing for older adults—but that doesn’t have to be the case. Our Patient Navigators are trained volunteers who accompany older adults to their medical appointments. They are not only a calming influence during the appointments, but they also help older adults and their families get the information and care they need. Patient Navigators are especially helpful when family members live far away, may not be available, or for older adults who need personalized support at medical appointments.

Learn more:

To help ensure the best possible medical appointment outcome, JFS Patient Navigators:

  • Talk with the older adult before appointments to review their concerns, medications and questions
  • Accompany older adults to doctors’ visits and medical procedures
  • Help facilitate doctor/patient communication
  • Review the doctor’s instructions and help schedule follow up visits after each medical appointment
  • Compile a written record of the doctor’s appointment to keep or share with family and caregivers
Thank you to Ethel (z"l) for sharing her story!

JFS Patient Navigators are caring volunteers whose training includes:

  • Common health issues among older adults, with an emphasis on chronic medical conditions
  • Essential information about Medicare
  • Listening and communicating with medical personnel
  • Stress reduction techniques and applications for seniors
  • Patient Advocacy
  • Confidentiality and Ethics
  • Additional training offered to volunteers interested in working with LGBT+ older adults.

Would you like to become a trusted guide at medical appointments?

ENROLL: If you, or someone you know, would benefit from Patient Navigator services, contact us:

VOLUNTEER: If you would like to join our team of trained volunteer Patient Navigators and Ally Navigators:

Support generously provided by:

Tufts Health Plan Foundation     Cummings Foundation Sustaining Grants