“JFS has been wonderful to us at Hastings House. They brought Joni, our exercise instructor, to Hastings House to teach weekly chair aerobics classes. If JFS did not send Joni, I would have to go to the Wellness Center for exercise which means I would have to pay and wait for The Ride each way. My doctors are so thrilled that I am getting weekly exercise at my apartment building between chair aerobics and bowling. The lunch group and trivia have been very helpful too. It is an excellent way to use my mind, especially after my fall this winter I feel that I have lost some of my memory and the trivia really makes me think. The trivia group helps me learn too. JFS works so hard to get outside speakers and entertainment to come to us. I am so thankful that I don’t have to leave the building for activities and that JFS brings them to us!”
— Barbara (83 years old), Framingham, MA