

Dear Ally,

I recently received a call that my 87-year-old mother fell and was being transported to the hospital.  My mother broke her hip.  She refuses to use a mobility aide such as walker or cane.  I’d like her to get a fall alert pendant, but she says she will not use.  HELP- I am frustrated.  What steps can I take to ensure my mother’s safety and prevent future falls?



Frustrated Son

Dear Frustrated Son,

Thank you for your question.  Many other adult children are concerned about preventing falls for their parents.

As a Geriatric Care Manager, I have an up-coming visit scheduled to do a home safety check.  Come look over my shoulder and see what changes your mom might consider if she wants to increase her safety and minimize the chances of future falls.

The couple I am visiting are determined to stay in their own home and are fearful of ending up in a nursing home. The number one reason older adults end up living the rest of their lives in a nursing home is falls. Knowing this might motivate your mother to make necessary changes.

The first thing I notice is the steep stairs leading to the entrance of the house.  There is only one railing on the left side of the stairway.  To maximize safety, there should be a railing on both sides of a stairway both inside and outside of the house.

When the door opens, I immediately see an area rug right at the entry way. This is the first of three area rugs, one with curling edges and wrinkles across its hand-woven surface.  To maximize safety, remove all area rugs. They are a tripping hazard. I pay attention to the transitions from one room to another, from the wooden floor in the dining room to the tile floor in the kitchen. Floors should be level. Luckily, this is not a problem here.

The house faces north, and though there are multiple lights all over the house, they are all turned low, and the house is dark. Nightlights during the night, and good lighting during the day all contribute to safety.  Nightlights are particularly important in bedrooms and in the bathroom.

Grab bars by the toilet and in the shower make a bathroom safer for older adults. As I check each room, I am looking for clear passageways.  Dog beds and extension cords can be tripping hazards, particularly if they are in the middle of the room.  These are all the environmental factors that contribute to safety and make falls less likely.

Now we sit down and look at the personal factors that can contribute to falls.  As we age our balance naturally changes due to changes in vision, bone mass, restricted mobility, muscle strength and endurance, and increased likelihood of chronic diseases.  These all can increase our likelihood of falling.

A proactive step that your mother can take is to exerciseWe need to work on strength, balance, flexibility as well as endurance. Not unexpectedly, they tell me that they walk every day-their only exercise. They don’t like hearing that walking isn’t enough.  Exercise programs such as Tai Chi, Water Aerobics, Yoga, dance and Pilates are all types of exercise that help us be more confident in our ability not to fall.  I recommended that they consider working with the senior personal trainer on my team to assess their fitness levels, make recommendations for maintaining leg and core strength, and finding exercise programs they can enjoy.  The personal trainer can also come into the home for personalized 1:1 session for balance training.  As I mentioned during the home safety check and consultation:  “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”  More and more research points to the importance of a comprehensive exercise program to prevent falls.

Change is hard. Those older adults who actively make the changes they need to make (such as using mobility aids like canes and walkers) or wearing a PERS (personal emergency response system such as a pendant) or making modifications to the home and EXERCISING are the ones who are more likely to avoid unnecessary falls. No one can “be careful” all the time.  I hope you can share some of this information with your mother, and when she returns home, she will be more receptive.



Written by Malka Young, LICSW, CCM and Laila Vehvilainen, MS, MPH, NASM-CPT, CDP – Your Geriatric Care Managers at Allies in Aging

If you are worried about an aging parent, contact the experts at Allies in Aging to learn how a Geriatric Care Manager can assist you providing the supports needed to ensure the safety of your loved ones.


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Dear Ally,

My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 3 years ago and still lives alone.  She used to love to go out and socialize.  We would go to concerts and out to eat, but now she says she is feels self-conscious going out.  She doesn’t go out anymore. Can you suggest an activity that is “dementia friendly” that she might enjoy?


Concerned Daughter

Dear Concerned Daughter,

As humans, we are wired to be social. All too often, as Americans grow older, retire, lose loved ones, their social connections shrink. The Surgeon General has called social isolation and loneliness a national epidemic that impacts mental and physical health. In the United States, nearly a quarter of adults aged 65 and older living in the community are socially isolated, and 43% of adults over the age 60 report feeling lonely.

For individuals living with memory loss, or Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, this can become more pronounced. Dementia can create barriers to social engagement. Symptoms such as difficulty recalling names, knowing the date, knowing the time or trying to remember events can cause people with dementia to withdraw. Dr. Bere Miesen, a Dutch psychiatrist introduced the Memory Café concept in 1997 as a way to break through the stigma associated with dementia.  The diagnosis typically “wasn’t discussed” and those living with the disease – and their caregivers – were suffering in silence. The concept of a Memory Café spread throughout Europe, to Ireland and England, Australia and eventually to the United States. Today, there are hundreds of Memory Cafés throughout the United States.

JFS has a monthly Memory Café featuring live music and other creative activities that both a person with dementia and their care partner can enjoy.  Memory Cafés are specifically designed to foster connection, support, and joy for both the person with dementia and their care partner. JFS Memory Cafés are designed to be welcoming inclusive spaces that provide a supportive environment for individuals living with dementia. These cafés create a warm and inviting atmosphere where both individuals with memory loss and their care partners can come together, share experiences and connect with others. The atmosphere is relaxed. Memory Cafés provide an environment that eases anxiety and encourages social interaction.

Each month, JFS Memory Cafés provide an engaging activity that caters to individuals with varying cognitive abilities. From live music, movement and art to storytelling and games, these activities are intended to stimulate creativity and provide a shared experience. The goal is not only to provide entertainment for an individual with dementia, but also to provide a compassionate space where you as a daughter and caregiver can meet others in a similar situation and share coping strategies in your caregiving journey. In addition, there are experts from Allies in Aging JFS Elder Care Solutions on hand to answer questions and share resources. These cafés become spaces where everyone feels understood and accepted, reducing the isolation families experience when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia.



We hope you will join us at one of the memory cafes listed below.

These Memory Cafes take place at Temple Beth Am (300 Pleasant Street, Framingham. From 1:00-2:30 pm.


  • September 11, 2024- Participatory Drum Circle led by Cornell Coley, M.Ed.- educator and musician.
  • October 16, 2024- Klezmer Music Concert with saxophonist Nat Seelen
  • November 13, 2024- Celtic Harp Music Concert with music therapist Linda Lasalle


Memory Cafés demonstrate the power of community, compassion, and creativity in the face of cognitive challenges and ongoing loss. In this space, individuals find not only support but also fun and laughter.

If you are interested in attending, please register with Laila at 508-875-3100×550 or by e-mail

We hope to see you there!

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I was having coffee with a friend earlier last month, and they seemed unusually tired. They had spent the morning working in their garden on a very hot and humid day. The next day, she texted me to let me know she had tested positive for COVID. A few days later, I heard her husband was positive too. They had both been at a party where at least ten other people also contracted COVID. I had heard about a summer COVID wave, but seeing it happen around me was a wake-up call. I was glad I followed the CDC recommendations last spring and got a second COVID booster. I know vaccines aren’t perfect, but I want to do anything in my power to avoid getting sick and staying out of the hospital.

In June, the FDA announced there would be an updated COVID-19 vaccine in the fall. This new vaccine aims to reduce hospitalizations and deaths, especially among older Americans. Adults 65 and older account for two-thirds of COVID hospitalizations and 82% of in-hospital deaths. People aged 75 and over are at the greatest risk if they contract COVID-19. Most of the older adults hospitalized due to COVID-19 were not vaccinated, highlighting that the biggest risk factor for severe illness is age.

Plan now to get both the updated flu and COVID vaccines this fall before the respiratory virus season hits. You don’t need two separate appointments; you can get both your flu and COVID-19 shots at the same time. Both COVID and the flu tend to increase during the winter months, known as “cold season.”

If you want to avoid getting sick, get your vaccines. The pandemic may be over, but COVID-19 is still affecting people. Like the flu vaccine, you need the COVID vaccine every year. This past year, the CDC recommended that older adults get an additional booster shot. They anticipate doing the same this coming year as well.

COVID vaccines are available for free to everyone six months and older living in the US, regardless of immigration or insurance status. August is National Immunization Month. Celebrate it by making your vaccine plan for this fall.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Get Vaccinated: Follow CDC guidelines and get the updated COVID-19 vaccine and flu shot this fall.
  2. Plan Ahead: You can get both vaccines at the same time, saving you a trip.
  3. Protect Yourself and Others: Vaccines reduce the risk of severe illness, especially for older adults.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up with CDC recommendations for any additional booster shots.
  5. Accessibility: Vaccines are free for everyone in the US, regardless of immigration or insurance status.

Stay safe and healthy this season by ensuring you’re up to date with your vaccinations. Your health and the health of those around you depend on it.

If you or someone you love needs help managing their medical appointments or needs other support related to their health care needs, contact the experts at JF and learn how our team of Geriatric Care Managers can help you and the ones you love live better, longer.

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Every year, during open enrollment, you have the opportunity to review and make changes to your current Medicare coverage.

Even if you have been with the same insurance plan for a long time, what you pay and what coverage you have can change. As you grow older, your medical needs may change, and your current plan may not be right for you.

Here are some reasons to review your coverage:

  • You notice that you are paying more for your prescriptions.
  • You are now wintering in Florida or spending your summers up in Maine.
  • Your income has dropped.
  • You have a new diagnosis of a chronic condition.
  • You are in a Medicare Advantage plan and your doctor is no longer in network.
  • Changes to your former employer’s retiree health benefits
  • You are very healthy, and only see a doctor infrequently
  • Your plan has changed or removed some benefits.


Contacting your local senior center and to schedule an appointment with a SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) counselor. These highly trained volunteers can review your current coverage with you and help you evaluate whether it still meets your needs. If not, they will review your options.  SHINE offers free, unbiased health insurance information and counseling to people with Medicare and their caregivers.  Any changes you make will become effective on January1, 2024.


Common Medicare mistakes we see:

Thinking that an AARP membership card provides you with prescription coverage under Medicare Part D.

Not signing up for Medicare Part B. You get Part A automatically. By not signing up for Medicare Part B in a timely manner, you may delay coverage and need to pay a late enrollment penalty for the rest of your life.

Thinking that Medicare Advantage plans cove prescriptions in  the “donut hole”

Thinking you earn too much to get help paying for prescriptions. You can earn $70,000 as an individual and $98,000 as a couple and be eligible for the Massachusetts sponsored prescription drug program for older adults and people with disabilities.

The Care Managers of JFS Allies in Aging can answer your questions about Medicare help you understand your health insurance needs so you can make wise decisions during this year’s open enrollment period.

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Muscle strength starts to decline 1% per year after 40 years if one is sedentary.  Balance decline begins somewhere between 40 to 50 years of age. The good news is that physical activity at any age not only improves physical strength and balance, but also improves sleep, boosts immune responses, and fosters better mental health and general well-being.

JFS Geriatric Care Manager Laila Vehvilainen did an in-home safety check, a balance assessment and then development a balance training plan. The client completed a 1:1 in-home training for 6 weeks and afterwards felt more stable and steadier on her feet.

“I can’t believe my balance has gotten much better.  I thought it was going to be all downhill” said the 72-year-old JFS’ Allies in Aging Geriatric Care Management client.

Recent research from the National Report on Healthy Aging found that 1 in 4 older adults feel that they are less steady on their feet and unsure of their balance. Many feel older adults feel deconditioned, meaning that they are feeling less energy, reduced strength and balance. Some of reported concerns about balance are remnants of the pandemic with less moving and more sedentary activities.  More than a third of people between the ages of 50 and 80 reported that their physical activity declined during the pandemic, and more than a quarter say they are in worse physical condition now than before the pandemic, many of these adults also reported an increased fear of falling.

Click here if you or your loved-one are interested in in-home safety and/or in-home balance training and would like to contact a Geriatric Care Manager! 

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Grief is the normal and natural response to loss. Each person grieves in their own way and their own time. When someone you love dies your whole world shifts. What was once meaningful might become meaningless; what we thought was important, less so, and as our world view shifts, so does our experience of ourselves, our friends, and our community. There are many models of understanding grief:  William Worden’s 5 tasks of grieving; Therese Rando’s 6 “R”s of grieving and of course, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief.

What they all have in common is that over time, it becomes essential to find a new sense of purpose, to structure our days to do something meaningful and to channel our loneliness away from isolation to connection.

The Healing Power of Volunteering

Volunteering is the act of offering one’s time and skills to benefit others. It is a unique way to channel one’s grief into something powerful and meaningful.   How does volunteering do this?

  1. Sense of Purpose: Grief can sometimes make life feel aimless and without direction. Volunteering can give one a new sense of purpose by making a positive impact on someone else’s life. This helps the person grieving regain a sense of meaning and provide structure.
  2. Connection and Community: People who are widowed often complain that no one calls them to go out anymore. The couples who might have been part of their social circle no longer include the newly single person. The person themselves might feel like a “5th wheel” no longer fitting in. Conversations can be awkward, avoiding talking about their loved one who died because they don’t want to “make it worse”. Volunteering connects individuals to like-minded people who share common goals and values. This sense of belonging, being part of something bigger than oneself is an antidote to loneliness.
  3. Distraction and Productivity: When you are volunteering you are not thinking about yourself or how your life has changed. You are focused on the task at hand, and the person you are helping. Some volunteers take on roles and tasks that were important to their loved one who died- honoring their memory and strengthening their connection to their loved one.
  4. Creating New Memories: When you volunteer, you create new memories connected to positive experiences. You are meeting new people, who accept you as you are. It takes courage to make changes, but volunteering gives one the structure to make these changes in a measured and contained way. It gives you the confidence to learn new things and to experience yourself in a new way in relationship to the world.

Choosing the Right Volunteer Opportunity

When considering volunteering as part of your grief process, it is important to choose a volunteer job that will support you and help you transition to this next phase of your life. JFS has a long history of valuing volunteers and their contributions to strengthening our community and helping the vulnerable among us.  They recognize the value of volunteers’ contributions and show their appreciation by making sure that JFS volunteers are part of a team and get the training and support they need. This is true whether you are helping refugees and asylees take their first steps in their new country, making sure that children in our community have the clothes and supplies they need to attend school and to flourish; or helping vulnerable older adults get to their medical appointments.

There is no one way to grieve. Grief takes time, patience, and self-compassion. When the mourner is ready to begin to move out in the world, volunteering can be a bridge to a new life and sense of purpose. Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, said there is nothing so whole as a broken heart.  Volunteering can help heal a broken heart, bringing hope to themselves and to the people they help.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the loss of a loved one, contact JFS to learn about available volunteer opportunities that can provide support and purpose during this transition period.

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As summer approaches, it is important to be prepared for the heat, especially older adults. With higher temperatures and longer days, the risk of heat-related illness and dehydration increases.

Here are some tips to stay safe, comfortable and active during the summer months:


  1. Drink water! Avoid alcohol and caffeine as these can lead to dehydration. Carry a water bottle with you and take frequent sips throughout the day.
  2. Dress for the weather! Light colors and loose-fitting clothing is the way to go. A hat with a wide brim can protect your face and neck from the sun’s strong rays.
  3. Plan your outside time before 11 and after 3. Avoid the strongest sun in the middle of the day.
  4. Keep your home cool: Air conditioning is no longer a luxury. Use fans to circulate air and keep the temperatures cooler. Close your curtains or blinds during the day to block the sun’s rays.
  5. Careful! Know the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. These include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting. Heat stroke can increase body temperature, cause confusion, seizures or even loss of consciousness. If you or loved one experience these symptoms, Get help immediately.


By following these tips, older adults can enjoy the summer months while staying safe and healthy.

If you are concerned about yourself or your loved one, call the experts at Allies in Aging, JFS Elder Care Solutions. We can help you and your loved ones stay safe this summer and throughout the year.

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Kindness and Caregiving 

What does kindness have to do with caregiving? Caregiving is a relationship between two people, both with their own feelings, thoughts and needs. Because of the demands of caregiving, a caregiver often loses sight of the relationship, and caregiving becomes a series of tasks to be accomplished, boxes to be checked on a to-do list. Unlike other relationships in our lives, the relationship between a caregiver and their loved one often lacks reciprocity. A caregiver has the experience of giving, giving, giving, doing, doing, doing without acknowledgement or thanks. Where does kindness come in? 

Caregiving demands kindness and radical empathy… Try to imagine that you have dementia, and in your confusion, you don’t know where you are. The familiar house you have lived in for decades appears strange to you, and you want to go home. You are panicked. Only your long-term memory is intact, and you long for your old room in the house you grew up in. As caregivers, our natural impulse is to say, “Honey, we are home. This is our house that we have lived in since 1986! This is not convincing to a person with dementia. If you came upon a stranger who told you they were lost, and wanted to go home, how would you react? Kindly, with reassurance. You might put your arm around them and tell them that you will help them get home or you might say that you will stay with them and not leave them alone. To respond with kindness and patience each time you are asked “When are we going to go home?” as if this is the first time you are hearing this question. 

There is nothing worse than feeling alone in a marriage. Because of this lack of reciprocity, a caregiver often feels alone, abandoned by their spouse, even though they know if is the illness that is the cause. As friends, neighbors, and family we are called upon to be kind. Anything we can do alleviate the social isolation of a caregiver is welcome. A card, sending flowers on a birthday or holiday, dropping off a meal, shoveling a walk, picking up some groceries, a gift card for house cleaning, taking the dog for a walk, giving a gift of respite, whether it is you offering to spend time with their loved one with dementia or providing an aid for a few hours these random acts of kindness and 10’s of others, can make a huge difference in the life of a caregiver. 

Kindness begets kindness. The kinder you can be to a caregiver, the kinder they will be to their loved one. Caregiving doesn’t take place in a vacuum. Let us create a community of kindness, one act of kindness at a time. If you want more information on how to support the caregivers in your life, contact Allies in Aging 508-808-3263.

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It can be challenging to follow the CDC’s recommendations that encourage older adults to limit their travel and close interactions with other people as much as possible. To many, this translates into staying at home for the duration. For those who were starting to feel as if it was safe to venture out again, the surging infection rates have forced many back into isolation, deepening feelings of loneliness and depression. 

Maintaining social connections is key to maintaining health and well-being. Elder care expert and Director of Allies in Aging JFS Elder Care Solutions Malka Young suggests, instead of social distancing, think physical distancing + social connection. She was recently quoted in the aforementioned AARP blog, a national organization that advocates for older adults. 

During World War II the planting of victory gardens, and the rationing of gas, food, and clothing connected Americans of all ages, classes, and cultures in a shared effort to save these precious resources for soldiers. Now, mask wearing, sheltering in place, washing our hands frequently, and limiting the spread of the virus allows us to connect to neighbors, friends and family no matter where they are. 

Here are 10 actions that you can do every day to keep your spirits up: Call someone* (keep a list of family, friends, neighbors by your phone) 

    1. Call someone** (keep a list of family, friends, neighbors by your phone) 
    2. Move your body (CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly) 
    3. Straighten up one area in your home 
    4. Eat something healthy and stay hydrated 
    5. Get outside 
    6. Get a good night’s sleep 
    7. Limit how much news you listen to (15 minutes 2x/day is more than enough!) 
    8. Name one thing you are grateful for 
    9. Learn something new 
    10. Do something creative (listen to music, bake, make something, etc.) 

**At Call2Talk 508-532-2255 someone is available to listen 24 hours/day/7 days/week. 

For more ideas, read AARP’s article 6 Ways to Overcome Social Isolation During Another COVID Winter. 

Are you or a loved one struggling with social isolation due to the pandemic? Are you worried about managing the coming months amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis? Contact Malka Young to learn how a Geriatric Care Manager can assess your concerns, arrange services and provide critical support to ensure that you or your loved ones are safe and cared for during the coming months. 



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