
A few months ago, I was having dinner with a friend, and she had just finished reading Sheryl Sandberg’s Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding JoyWe shared with each other what our “Option B” would be, that is, if “something happened”, never anticipating that “something happening” were these sudden and unexpected changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

If you are 65 or older, you are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, even if you have no underlying conditions or exercise every day or are otherwise healthy. We are learning more every day, but COVID-19 is a new disease and we have limited information trying to understand what is happening as we learn new things.  

What does that mean for older adults now living in Massachusetts? Governor Baker’s four-phase reopening plan to slowly allow businesses, services, and activities to resume also advises older adults to continue to stay at home except for essential trips out to the grocery store, medical appointments or to get prescriptions. If you are still working, the governor is recommending that you continue to work from home if at all possible. This advisory continues through phase three which at the earliest is still nine weeks away.  What about Phase four, “the new normal”, how long is that going to last? 

Leslie and her husband Dave loved living in their condo overlooking the Mall, but 10+ weeks of togetherness are making them rethink their plan. They love only having one car, but they are not looking forward to returning to the T. What good are local parks if they are all closed? Maybe this urban retirement is not for them. 

Sally never realized how much of her social life revolved around doctors’ visits. She hasn’t seen a doctor in more than three months and she is fine, thank you. She loved not having to wait to see her doctor the one time she had a Telehealth visit. She had his total attention. He wasn’t late, her visit wasn’t interrupted by phone calls, and the doctor took the time to answer all of her questions.  

 Will you be ready for your new normal come August? What will that look like for you 

Did you think your future was all planned? Age in place? Move to a retirement community? Move to a warmer climate? Are you rethinking now? Now is a good time to revisit your life plan and see how it stacks up against COVID-19 and any other unanticipated changes.

What is your option B? And how about life’s “What ifs”?

You can make a plan. 

If you would like to sit down with an experienced care manager at Allies in Aging JFS Elder Care Solutions and make your plan B, please contact us to make a virtual appointment.

Malka Young

With more than 25 years experience navigating complex health care systems, Young has worked in teaching hospitals, home care, nursing homes, hospice and in the community. Her positive energy, in-depth knowledge of both traditional and non-traditional community resources and her tireless advocacy, provides personalized, well thought out solutions that are creative and pragmatic. Clients find solutions that maximize autonomy and independence, balancing safety and their need for a vital and engaged life.

Malka Young has blogged 200 posts

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