“I have nothing but the highest praise for Judy as an individual and as a professional. She has made a significant, positive effect on my cousin’s life and care. She is thoughtful, incisive, and knowledgeable, as well as creative in suggesting and then implementing new ideas into my cousin’s care. I would give her all “A’s” for her work!” — Walter, New London (NH) — When you need expert guidance navigating the challenges that come with aging, the elder experts of JFS Allies in Aging can help. Contact us today to learn how we can help your loved one live better, longer. |
To take the best care of your older parents,
Turn to the pros for help
Baby Boomers were once called the Me Generation, but now they’re defined less by Me and more by We — the family universe of aging parents, adult children and often grandchildren, nieces and nephews. For most Boomers, the most pressing concerns are usually for older loved ones, whose needs grow more complex with each year.
Add a fall, a major illness or concerns about increasing forgetfulness, and it can be overwhelming.
Making decisions about what to do, how and when, isn’t easy. Lifelong patterns are hard to change; we’re used to our parents making their own decisions, just as we make ours. It’s hard to intervene when you are not sure whether it is really necessary. Family members often disagree about what should be done and by whom. And indecision or procrastination can intensify physical and emotional issues.
How hard can it be to find quality help, to find a good doctor, or to know which rehab is best? If you turn to the Internet for help, you’ll find that search engine results can be misleading, confusing, overwhelming or all three. It may come as a big surprise to people who are confident about sourcing information for work, or are skilled at Internet research, when they can’t seem to find the right information on their own.
Consider these typical scenarios:
What a care manager can do
Yes, handling these issues is difficult and emotionally charged. What—actually who—can ease the way is a geriatric care manager sometimes called an “aging life care” expert. These are certified professionals, often social workers or nurses, who understand older adults, our health system, and the complex web of resources, both public and private that support health and well being. Care managers also offer advice and support when it’s time to make important decisions about short- and long-term care, whether at home or in a facility.
Here’s what you need to know:
Still on the fence about hiring an elder care expert? Most families hire specialists to help with tax prep, college admissions and career moves. Hiring a professional to help with an aging parent is just as worthwhile.
Malka Young is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Care Manager. Email her at myoung@jfsmw.org.
Contact us through the online form or call 800-655-9553
for a free phone consultation to learn how Allies in Aging
can help you navigate the challenges that come with aging.
– Director of Allies in Aging JFS Elder Care Solutions
– Advanced Professional Member of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA)
-Certified Care Manager
[JFS Allies in Aging Geriatric Care managers] “stuck with me from the beginning to the very end when my relative was placed in a wonderful memory care unit. Malka went far beyond the call of duty. She always knew what services were available and if she didn’t know, she found out, fast! She even found pet sitting services for us. Malka really knew the ropes and provided me with helpful guidance through the whole process. My relative said she really liked my “nice friend” who used to come and visit her. Thank you!” — Lois
When you need expert guidance navigating the challenges Contact us today to learn how we can help your loved one live better, longer. |
So much of the focus on aging well is on the medical aspects— physical symptoms, testing and treatments—that we often overlook other practical factors.
Some forgetfulness can be a normal part of aging, and it’s often not mentioned during doctors’ visits until the memory loss reaches alarming levels.
Initially, the doctor may be full of reassurance, which will help with everyone’s anxiety—temporarily, anyway. Doctors are under pressure not to make referrals to specialists unless they are sure it adds value to the quality of care. And because there is no cure for dementia, their approach is often: let’s not make it more stressful for the patient and their family, since there’s little that can be done medically. This approach does not recognize that a lot can be done legally, emotionally, psychologically and financially, to prepare for what lies ahead. A lot can go wrong both for the patient and their loved ones, during the months and years before the dementia is recognized and acknowledged.
Even if someone with mild cognitive impairment passes a screening test, it doesn’t mean they can take their medicine as prescribed, safely drive a car or know if the leftovers in the refrigerator are still edible. It’s also not unusual for someone with cognitive impairment to make foolish or irrational financial moves—opening credit card accounts, signing contracts (for a second mortgage or unsecured loans, for example) without fully understanding terms, or falling prey to scam artists or pushy or unethical salespeople. It’s sad when your banker suspects dementia before your doctor does.
Getting an early diagnosis is essential. It allows you to control the things you can control even though you may be powerless to change the progression of the disease. It gives you and your loved ones the time to consider decisions in a deliberate, thoughtful way, avoiding common mistakes before a patient’s problem-solving skills deteriorate and irrevocable actions are taken.
Having an early diagnosis allows a person to:
Designate a health care proxy. This person will make medical decisions on behalf of the person with dementia (PWD), based on clear instructions made while the PWD is still of sound mind. He or she can, for example, decide where they prefer to receive care, whether or not to be treated with chemotherapy for cancer, or go on dialysis.
Designate a durable power of attorney. This person can fulfill the PWD’s legal wishes when they’re unable to communicate or are incapable of rational decision-making. The ability to sign a contract on the PWD’s behalf, whether it’s for setting up companion services at home, arranging care for a pet, or selling a car, gives everyone peace of mind.
Determine living arrangements. Family members may think that a person with dementia should be in a particular setting, whether at home, in assisted living, nursing home or somewhere else. This isn’t necessarily the case. Knowing what a person’s preferences are, what they value and what is most important to them makes it easier to confront hard choices.
Set up spending controls. Before the dementia progresses, it’s important to have a plan for handing control of assets to a trusted person, whether, friend, family member or professional financial advisor or estate planner. It’s better to anticipate that there may come a time that a PWD will need others to manage their money than to wait until there is a financial mishap and try to repair the damage after the fact.
Other considerations
Also know that these arrangements aren’t about solely about the patient.
These kinds of proactive moves can be difficult, even painful, to face. But waiting to confront these issues can cause a lot more pain down the road. It’s best for to begin the contingency planning early.
Contact us through the online form or call 800-655-9553
for a free phone consultation to learn how Allies in Aging
can help you navigate the challenges of living with dementia.
About the Author:
Malka Young, LICSW, CCM
Director, Allies in Aging JFS Elder Care Solutions